It had to be done.....

It had to be done.....



Original Poster:

26,901 posts

276 months

Wednesday 20th November 2002
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I thought I'd show the bolt-on boys how....


>>> Edited by wedg1e on Thursday 21st November 02:11


36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 20th November 2002
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You forgot the illuminated washer jet and Max Power sticker and the illuminated number plate screws...


1,196 posts

274 months

Wednesday 20th November 2002
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Just had MaxPower on the phone, they want it for the front cover of the December issue!

Just makes you glad the aftermarket sector never makes stuff like that for Wedges!


Original Poster:

26,901 posts

276 months

Wednesday 20th November 2002
quotequote all
Actually I DID initially put blue LEDs on the bonnet, but it looked naff....



44 posts

271 months

Wednesday 20th November 2002
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Brilliant - had a great laugh over that one!

danger mouse

3,828 posts

272 months

Wednesday 20th November 2002
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....peeeshed me self!...

The Pop-up "When there ain't no" fog lights are the best bit....



>> Edited by danger mouse on Wednesday 20th November 22:22


115 posts

270 months

Thursday 21st November 2002
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not exactly discreet is it, what a sh*t house, there are some very ill people about!!!!!!


30 posts

294 months

Thursday 21st November 2002
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Are you marketing the front spoiler as a picnic table, if so should it not have some cup holders.


36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 21st November 2002
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There is a boot over the little car in the background

danger mouse

3,828 posts

272 months

Thursday 21st November 2002
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jmorgan said: There is a boot over the little car in the background

Oh yeah... well spotted that man!


21,562 posts

295 months

Thursday 21st November 2002
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Wedgie.. TVR beat you to the picnic table by 12 years..

Check out the rear picnic table.. had a whole group
of TVR nut cases last night admiring TVR's handy
work in the field of picnic tables..

They also rather liked the exhaust note.. I do like
to rev it some..


Original Poster:

26,901 posts

276 months

Thursday 21st November 2002
quotequote all
Just in case anyone didn't get it, the boot over the Suzuki Wagon-R in the background should be a clue that all is not as it might be with the TVR... I just doctored it a bit with Paint Shop Pro.
The Fotango site resizes and compresses the pic,which worked to my advantage since it hides some of the bits that aren't as well done as I'd have liked.

I have a few less-subtle bodywork mods in the pipeline...



Original Poster:

26,901 posts

276 months

Thursday 21st November 2002
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rev-erend said: Wedgie.. TVR beat you to the picnic table by 12 years..

Check out the rear picnic table..

Yeah, I can't quite decide whether I'd like one of those for the 390,but maybe the existing Zender is just a tad more discrete!



21,562 posts

295 months

Thursday 21st November 2002
quotequote all
Wedgie - of course I guessed that it had been
'doctored' ... good effort though... a nice
splitter like that might look nice on the
front of my SEAC...

then again .. maybe not !


421 posts

274 months

Thursday 21st November 2002
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That splitter is just what I need for the little b4rstards that gather on the pavement and overflow into the road, then expect you to go round them! I think they are getting used to me hooting them out of the way from about 3 feet away. Can I have one with a stainless steel front edge?

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Thursday 21st November 2002
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I was wondering what happened to the radiator when the central pop up headlights went down? Otherwise totally convinced........


Original Poster:

26,901 posts

276 months

Thursday 21st November 2002
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Rev: that wasn't aimed at you!

Montegogt: You want it in stainless so the blood just wipes off...? Hang on while I sharpen me graphics pen...

Danny: The inboard pods aren't headlamps, they're F*ING HUGE blue LED holders...
Need a beer... luckily RichA is at hand to buy me one....


>> Edited by wedg1e on Thursday 21st November 18:14


14,946 posts

281 months

Thursday 21st November 2002
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I rather liked the 4 headlamp pods..........

Andy 400se :thinkingaboutquadrapoddingitnowsmiley:


856 posts

293 months

Thursday 21st November 2002
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Bloody hell Wedg1e, nice one. Just thinking though about the quad pop up headlamps, Its hard enough to get one pair working at the same time !!!! Mind you though, they could be used as air brakes.

If I have one criticism, where is the "on a mission" windscreen sticker ???



36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 21st November 2002
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Kenwood or Wayne and Waynetta