4-pot brake calipers from Austin Princess?

4-pot brake calipers from Austin Princess?



Original Poster:

3 posts

268 months

Wednesday 20th November 2002
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Do anyone have brake calipers from Austin Princess available?

best regards

Niels Peter Mikkelsen


1,165 posts

278 months

Friday 22nd November 2002
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Rally Design sell new calipers for £79.50 each, outright sale. A spacer kit will also be required if using vented disks. They sell these for £21.50 which I believe should fit with a Granada Vented Disk. If using the AP Rotors, as per the larger Wedges then additional spacers are required.
Web site is www.raldes.co.uk.
If you are after second hand try the RS Owners club website www.rsownersclub.co.uk/ and go to B-Board. There are lots of parts for sale here and I have seen Princess Calipers for sale in the past.


21,198 posts

271 months

Friday 22nd November 2002
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What car do you want to fit them to? There are much better items on the market nowadays which would be better unless of course you have a Princess and want to keep it original. You haven't got a Tr have you? Ok I'm ducking!

Looks like you have a wedgeie. I didn't realise there was a classification for wedges, are TR's included? You could try posting on the Tr Register forum www.tr-register.co.uk/ as some of the crowd there may have taken them off when upgrading. Mike.

>> Edited by TR MIKE on Friday 22 November 19:56