Does anyone have a good (and perferably cheap) adres for a new hood for a 350, as the one that's on has turned from black into grey and the window is vage. Does anyone have experience with the company autohoods in chassington, surrey???
>>> Edited by bhardy on Monday 18th November 19:19
>>> Edited by bhardy on Monday 18th November 19:19
Here's some places for you to try.
I'd be interested how you get on, as I'm planning to replace mine after winter.
Prestige Hoods (best prices so far I think)
Bit & Pieces
Of course main dealers can get hoods too but I've had prices of four to five hundred quid. Which seems a lot for what must be one of the simplest hoods in existence.
Oh and here's a thread with a few other peoples view on the subject
>> Edited by bobfrance on Tuesday 26th November 20:26
I'd be interested how you get on, as I'm planning to replace mine after winter.
Prestige Hoods (best prices so far I think)
Bit & Pieces
Of course main dealers can get hoods too but I've had prices of four to five hundred quid. Which seems a lot for what must be one of the simplest hoods in existence.
Oh and here's a thread with a few other peoples view on the subject
>> Edited by bobfrance on Tuesday 26th November 20:26
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