Door frame for a 350i FHC

Door frame for a 350i FHC



Original Poster:

10 posts

272 months

Friday 15th November 2002
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Anyone know where to get a new Door frame for a 350i FHC or any info on repairing one etc


12,837 posts

269 months

Friday 15th November 2002
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What's wrong with the one that you have got? I think that it's only the line of the fibreglass along the top of the door that is different. As long as the hinge is intact a repair should be possible.


970 posts

270 months

Friday 15th November 2002
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There is an add on wedgepages for 350i and 400SE doors, bare £85 each.


Don't know if that's any good.


26,901 posts

276 months

Friday 15th November 2002
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If you mean the frame that the door glass slides in: you'll be lucky!
Last time I made enquiries (1987) it was around £350 from a dealer; if the factory could be bothered to find a car to copy from. It probably wouldn't fit anyway.
It is possible with patience and a MIG welder to create the channel from strips of steel. One trick I used was to chop good sections out from inside the door and weld them outside the door, then make up the bits you couldn't see using a Ford Sierra glass guide as a template.
You may find one or more of the Tasmin race cars has had them removed and they could be lying around somewhere going begging.



989 posts

273 months

Friday 15th November 2002
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If I find any I'll be sure not to tell you..........cos I want some too :-) I contacted David Gerald TVR months ago. At the time they only had 2 used ones. Price each was £100+vat+£12 shipping. I thought "eeeek" and declined, intending to make my own up. I can't wind the windows down without the carefully arranged frame falling apart :-(

What we need is some wonderful company to remanufacture them............



Original Poster:

10 posts

272 months

Monday 18th November 2002
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Thanks for the input about the door frames, The question was not for me but a friend with a 350, Ive got a Griff and the doors are OK touch wood at this moment in time..

Anyway thanks again for the reply I will pass them ON


9,238 posts

295 months

Monday 18th November 2002
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Find someone in the Tasmin challenge and ask them, quite a few of them have spares lying around. I had this problem a few years back and the factory quoted me over £500 to make some!

I found a wrecked Tasmin in Daventry and bought the pair off that for £250. Unfortunatley everyone knows how rare they are and charges accordingly. Tell your mate not to break the rear screen whatever he does. I broke mine and a new one is......wait for it.......


Thank God the insurance company stumped the cash for mine!!!