Another cheap Wedge...

Another cheap Wedge...



Original Poster:

26,901 posts

276 months

Thursday 14th November 2002
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Latest Practical Classics has in the 'Spares Vehicles' section of the ads (pp. 156):-
"TVR 280i FHC, ideal basis for Tasmin race car, spares or rebuild £550. G. Wilson, Warks. 01531 640520 or 07712 106160"

I'm sure someone will take him up...

Edited 30 seconds later to say:-
Damn, I'm good... just spotted another ad from the same guy:

"TVR 400SE, 1989, red with grey leather, 36K miles, FSH, tidy and original, value £9950; exchange with cash for P5B, XJS or WHY?"

Anyone on here know this feller?


>>> Edited by wedg1e on Thursday 14th November 01:45


989 posts

273 months

Thursday 14th November 2002
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If only I had more room on the drive :-)



16,370 posts

295 months

Saturday 16th November 2002
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they were in octobers CCC and the Taz went in about 2 days !!!!!!


6,025 posts

294 months

Sunday 17th November 2002
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york33 said: If only I had more room on the drive :-)


I know what you mean .. Im in the pocess of finding a nice farmer who has a spare barn who woulnt mind letting lart of it out for a workshop / storage .. 4 cars, 3 bikes, a trailer need to find a home .. i only have room on at the house for 1 bike, 2 cars !!!


989 posts

273 months

Sunday 17th November 2002
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Would be good wouldn't it, although perhaps a good thing I haven't, who knows what other cars I'd have :-)

I'm not immensely enthusiastic about going outside atm to fit all the shiny new suspension bits currently sitting on my lounge floor. Especially as the beastie lives on the drive as the garage is occupied by a very impractical beastie without an engine :-)