Hub Carrier

Hub Carrier


taz 24

Original Poster:

62 posts

278 months

Wednesday 13th November 2002
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At some point in time my nearside rear hub carrier must have split in two. Although it looks like it received a pro weld job, geometry being correct, I am dubious about putting it back on after nearly completing a full rearend rebuild. What do you chaps reckon?


1,165 posts

278 months

Wednesday 13th November 2002
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I think it's possible to buy these still from TVR. From memory about £150 (but I may be wrong about this).
Richard at Moore Racing will have more info. I know a few of the Taz Racers broke these, especially the early ones with the two part trailing arm/hub carrier.
It may be worth enquiring, with the amount of power you are putting through the rear end you need to know it's up to the job.


12,837 posts

269 months

Wednesday 13th November 2002
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I'll second that - start by ringing TVR for price and availability. You don't want to have any insurance or safety worries in the back of your mind.

taz 24

Original Poster:

62 posts

278 months

Thursday 14th November 2002
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Thanks chaps. Sevans are you the guy Fitz(TopBoss) was telling me about, cossie turbo!!!


1,165 posts

278 months

Friday 15th November 2002
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Depends what he was saying!! They did modify the inlet plenum for me as it was fouling the chassis. Unfortunately I did have to have further work done to get the job finished.


8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 15th November 2002
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The racers started making their own because they couldn't get them from the factory.

It might make a lot of sense copying the Taz design as there is nothing that gets close unless you go to A frame which is a virtual no no because of the cost etc. How much power it will take is not clear as the tazzies can't play with the engine much.


taz 24

Original Poster:

62 posts

278 months

Friday 15th November 2002
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Fitz mentioned that someone had put a cossie turbo into a Wedge, he didn't go into details. I was looking for a custom bell housing at the time in order to fit a T5 box to the 24v. I thought the T5 conversion might be cheaper than going to Quaife.


1,165 posts

278 months

Friday 15th November 2002
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The T5 will fit, well it does in mine anyway. Even the gear lever was in the same position as the old Ford 4 speed. Had to fabricate a rear bracket and cut the prop down, but only by about 20mm. The end of the prop also needs swapping but it will fit on the UJ.
GKN Powertrain rebuilt the prop. They can also supply the Univeral Joints. Be careful what you buy here as there are some cheap immitations on the market, some even come in boxes with 'Hardy Spicer' on them!!


16,370 posts

295 months

Saturday 16th November 2002
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shpub said: The racers started making their own because they couldn't get them from the factory.


we havent started making our own yet but there is a non factory source of standard trailing arm/hub carriers

and RM does have some spares.


8,507 posts

283 months

Saturday 16th November 2002
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Well what I meant was you were getting them from somewhere! There was some talk of making them though wasn't there?