Get yer Arse out Part 2

Get yer Arse out Part 2



Original Poster:

856 posts

293 months

Tuesday 12th November 2002
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After the interesting replies I had to my original post of getting yer arse out. I have this interesting snippet of trivia.

The longest powerslide was held for over two hours

That is according to the Guiness book of records.

However, it did not mention what car it was done in or what tyres were used (if any). What are your suggestions for powersliding motors ?

I will bet my house that it was NOT done in a FIAT 126 !!!



4,473 posts

289 months

Tuesday 12th November 2002
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the last one I saw was a subaru .. they stopped when they ran out of fuel otherwise it would have gone on for days i assume ...!


115 posts

270 months

Wednesday 13th November 2002
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i also saw the subaru do that, however, it was inpressive but i would be more impressed if it was say a griff 500, ie a motor with no tracion control gizmos or four wheel drive?