Oz split rims - Leaking?

Oz split rims - Leaking?



Original Poster:

982 posts

272 months

Saturday 9th November 2002
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Hi Guys
Just found this excellent site and have a bunch of questions - so heres the first two
a) having put new two new tyres on my car shortly after buying it i find that they both lose pressure very slowly(5-10psi in two weeks?) I know i should check them regularly any way, but any clues as to why this is happening and how to remedy it?
b) How do i get in behind the the main centre dashboard in my 400SE - want to get at the fan switch

All help appreciated

Robert in a 400SE

Brm Brm

217 posts

285 months

Saturday 9th November 2002
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Hi Robert - welcome to the club!

Most obvious thing to check on the tyres is the valves although I expect they were replaced with the tyres in which case it could be the split rims. I have one that looses about 10psi every month and just live with it to be honest. As you will see if you look for earlier threads on the subject of OZ refurb its neither easy or cheap - although some members have had good results with elbow grease and silicon sealant - I'm sure they will chip in!

I always found the easiest way to get the dash centre panel out was through the radio slot - you will need to take the radio and its mounting box out then (if my 400 was representative - but no guarantees there!)there were 2 nuts lower down and on either side that I could just reach. Be gentle - the veneer can be fragile. If that doesn't work its headfirst into the footwells with a torch and socket set I'm afraid, and access from behind the trim.


36,010 posts

295 months

Saturday 9th November 2002
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You could try a soap solution to eliminate rims and valve and narrow it down a bit.

david beer

3,982 posts

278 months

Sunday 10th November 2002
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My Rangie had one tyre that would leak around the rim. You could see little bubbles when you washed it. Drop the pressure and squirt a can of "tire weld", mine then stayed up for two years!


2,505 posts

294 months

Thursday 14th November 2002
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as others have said, check the valves. No doubt you have the original metal valves. These tend to corrode slightly on the inside of the wheel where the are meant to seal. Metal valves tend not to be replaced when the tres are changed so it's a good place to start your investigations. Exactly what happened with mine. Swapped them for rubber valves which, although not looking as good as the metal ones, have not lost a pound since!


Original Poster:

982 posts

272 months

Thursday 14th November 2002
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Thanks guys - you've gave me some pointers well worth checking.....