body colour code (white)

body colour code (white)



Original Poster:

92 posts

271 months

Friday 8th November 2002
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I am trying to match the original colour of my white 84 350i body code on the id plate is ac00, Ive noted a previous posting stating kv54 is artic white, the only listing my local paint supplier has is old rose white is this ac00 ?? The car is 3 different colours at the moment but Id like to get as close to the original as I can,




421 posts

274 months

Wednesday 13th November 2002
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My one is Arctic White according to some old docs that I got with the car. Best bet is to pop into a good sprayshop and have a look at their colour swatches for the best match. You may find that the white has aged anyway and may now be nearer another shade of white. Let me know how you get on, I will need some stone chip coverer sooner or later.

Lee (Bedford)


46,645 posts

286 months

Wednesday 13th November 2002
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Saw this post a while back (can't remember who made it) but thought it was useful, so saved it... it MIGHT help...

Paint colour matching

If you are having trouble in finding a matching colour or touch up paint for your TVR here is the answer. Firstly find the BODY CODE number from under the bonnet- mine is P422 1782B. The first numbers are the Paint Type (P422)the second is the ICI paint Code.(1782B) ICI you will now find have ceased in the Automotive paint business but have passed it on to NEXA AUTOCOLOUR.

Go to (24hours a day 7 days a week)
1. Go into the TECHNICAL section on the screen
2. Go into COLOUR ON THE NET and follow the instructions.
You will then finish up with the Colour, the TVR ref, and a Formulation report for say Halfords to mix you up whatever quantity you want OR ring them on 01449 771771 and within a minute a very helpful lady will give you the Colour and fax you a Formulation sheet.(mine finished up as Metallic Misty Blue)


Original Poster:

92 posts

271 months

Saturday 16th November 2002
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Thanks for the input guys I've taken the plunge & bought a tin of arctic white & it looks a good match from the tin ( to the rear of the car anyway ).
going to have a go at the spoilers this afternoon,
but I will leave rest of the car for warmer weather

