Alternator and driving/fog lights

Alternator and driving/fog lights



Original Poster:

805 posts

277 months

Wednesday 6th November 2002
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I have managed to split one of the moumting points for my alternator when putting it back on, (one step forward two steps back), I have a Lucas a127 65 on it. I have seen a lucas a133 55 for sale which looks the same from pictures and was used on the carb rover 3500. Does anyone know if this is going to be suitable or if I can swap the front of tne casing over? I'm going to use the car as a summer car so is the loss of 10 amps a problem? Failing that does anyone have an broken a127 that I can buy off them.
I've also cracked one of the silver cibi front driving/fog lights while cleaning it(I'm not having a good week) is there anyone that sells replacement glass or a new unit?

>>> Edited by gf350 on Wednesday 6th November 13:40


36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 6th November 2002
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Not sure about the rest but the last time I bought driving lamps I got them from Wedge. They were not cheap and I was told going out of production. If its not too bad will a glass glue suffice?


12,837 posts

269 months

Wednesday 6th November 2002
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The driving lights are off a Marina; any good auto electrical suppliers should be able to get them. Keep the mounting brackets. If the mushrooms that should attach them to the fibreglass are in a bad way I can find that address as well - they are a concrete insert available from builders merchants.

>> Edited by 19560 on Wednesday 6th November 18:06


1,196 posts

274 months

Wednesday 6th November 2002
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I've also cracked one of the silver cibi front driving/fog lights while cleaning it(I'm not having a good week) is there anyone that sells replacement glass or a new unit?

>>> Edited by gf350 on Wednesday 6th November 13:40

Gareth Demon Tweeks do the replacement driving lights, they are Cibe Airport, alternatively Wedge Autos, but I may have a Spare lense knocking around the garage, will have a check for you.


Original Poster:

805 posts

277 months

Thursday 7th November 2002
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Thanks everyone, Thas great news on the foglight I was worried I wouldn't be able to replace it. I'm going to buy the alternator to try it.
ANDYM I have sent you a e-mail.
Thanks again.


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 7th November 2002
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The 65 and 55 refer to the current outputs so that the 55 alternator will not have as much juice. I would go for the same or even higher output if you can get it.



Original Poster:

805 posts

277 months

Friday 8th November 2002
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Thanks Steve.