Round the bend!

Round the bend!



Original Poster:

80 posts

272 months

Tuesday 5th November 2002
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Ok people, I'm getting desperate. I need my '85 280 tuning bad, but I've spoken to a couple of people who both said I need to replace the corrugated duct from the air flow meter to the plenum chamber beforehand, cos its badly split, and is likely to be sucking in additional air (despite being taped up). I've done the 'WD40 test' and it does seem to be leaking! Thing is, its already got about 3 reels of insulating tape round it and, whilst it temporarily resolved the problem, it is i fear now beyond help. So to my question, Where the hell can I get a replacement pipe, or anything that might resemble one. As a perishable part, someone must have had to replace one before??? Anyone got any ideas???


856 posts

293 months

Tuesday 5th November 2002
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Try Richard at Wedge Automotive (RT Racing), he should be able to help or Penninsula. Both have web sites.




2,190 posts

280 months

Wednesday 6th November 2002
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Saw a tube which was too flexible and collapsed / expanded like a concertina when the engine was reved. Must have had some sort of effect on the engine!

So I guess getting proper tubing would be a good idea....


3,799 posts

290 months

Thursday 7th November 2002
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A easy fix it to replace the striaght section of pipe with a bit of ally tube and then use flexible hose at each end. As your engine is essentially 280i Ford Capri have you tried Ford or scrappies?



Original Poster:

80 posts

272 months

Friday 8th November 2002
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Cheers guys.

I've tried breakers and Fords, but no joy! Mine does that concertina thing when you rev it hard. Its not all bad news though, i'm waiting to hear back from Neil at Peninsula. Hopefully he'll have something to do the job.