I noticed when I use the heater in my 400, the gauges get moisture condensing inside them. The air from the heater feels warm and moist too, not that you feel much air from the fan, I reckon I could f*rt with more force. . Is this normal, the moisture not the force of my f*rts?
The car hasn’t been used much as it’s 12 years old and only done 33K, so it must have been standing around a lot and I’m wondering if it is a bit damp. Do any of you use a de-humidifier in the garage, would you recommend one?
The car hasn’t been used much as it’s 12 years old and only done 33K, so it must have been standing around a lot and I’m wondering if it is a bit damp. Do any of you use a de-humidifier in the garage, would you recommend one?
I use one - I have to as the back of my garage is dug into the hillside and without the dehumidifier things in the garage go rusty.
Do any of you use a de-humidifier in the garage, would you recommend one?
Even if I moved and got a drier garage I think I might have still use the dehumidifier as it really sorts out any dampness as long as I leave the windows open.
Only real problem is it freezing up in the winter (below 5deg). So I've got an oil filled radiator which stops the garage temerature getting too low. The radiator helped but didn't solve the problem. The real solution was a timer switch as when it turns off, any ice in the dehumidifier melts ready to start again.
Thanks for the feedback.
May well invest in a dehumidifier next pay day and I’ll investigate the back of the centre console in the cold winter months to see if the pipes are still attached. It does seem like a pipe may be off as I can hear the fan running but very little seems to make it’s way to the cabin.
May well invest in a dehumidifier next pay day and I’ll investigate the back of the centre console in the cold winter months to see if the pipes are still attached. It does seem like a pipe may be off as I can hear the fan running but very little seems to make it’s way to the cabin.
Being that the dash ones on mine (and assuming that yours is the same type of build) just push in to a bit of heath robinsons plumbing could be its fallen off (or never installed
The centre vents push into what can only be described as a bit of white waste pipe that is fed by flexi from the heater. Mine are ok but the dials still mist up. Can't be arsed to dismantle them and apply rainX

The centre vents push into what can only be described as a bit of white waste pipe that is fed by flexi from the heater. Mine are ok but the dials still mist up. Can't be arsed to dismantle them and apply rainX
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