Lattice Allot Paint Options ...Piccys please!!

Lattice Allot Paint Options ...Piccys please!!



Original Poster:

324 posts

280 months

Saturday 25th January
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So I have decided that it is just too much trouble to clean, prep and paint my wheels myself. Just too cold and I don't have the time. So I am going toget them refurbished which gives me options.

I have always quite liked the standard plain silver but I am thinking of getting the rims diamond cut. I have seen cars like this but with black instead of silver, and with body colour. I could also have the diamond cut done right up the spokes like Mercedes seem to like.

I would be interestred to see any pictures of cars with lattice alloys with any paint option , and also to see what is the most popular option. Mibe currently look like this.....bog standard!!.


6,728 posts

277 months

Saturday 25th January
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Ignore that it's a Boxster, I sold it over 3 years ago, but it was one of the nicest wheels on a car I've owned. Split rim, yes, and not lattice but similar. smile Gunmetal grey centres with bare metal (but lacquered) rims. A possibility?


18,591 posts

174 months

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This was Poppy's (350i) alloys...Anthracite with diamond cut rims

Delilah (280i)...Gold bbs originally but had them refurbished and diamond cut rims..and 3D printed wheel caps as the originals were lost.