Car build date "v" registration date

Car build date "v" registration date



Original Poster:

397 posts

111 months

Saturday 9th November 2024
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I was wondering if I can find out the build date of my car, as opposed to the registration date?
Is this information available, from any sources?


Edited by BlueWedgy on Thursday 19th December 11:51


1,315 posts

196 months

Saturday 9th November 2024
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The TVRCC may be able to help if you're a member.

What's your chassis number? This list in the bible might narrow it down to a month.


1,307 posts

240 months

Saturday 9th November 2024
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Yes Mervyn Larner at the TVRCC can help with the buil date


Original Poster:

397 posts

111 months

Sunday 10th November 2024
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Many thanks for the replies.
I am just an owner-driver and not a member of any clubs.

The portion of vin as below.
I decoded my VIN as:

D - Drophead
H - Weight class
35 - 3.5 Litre
P - Petrol
H - Build year 1987
B - Build month Feb
0 - International code designating TVR 280i and 350i
1 - Fixed head and drophead. TVR Engineering Ltd, Bristol Ave

But the V5C reports first registered as 15/04/1988. Which means a few months difference, but could make a difference come historic vehicle classification perhaps?

Many thanks


1,165 posts

276 months

Sunday 10th November 2024
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Just gone through exactly this on my wedge.... Went for historic status and the first registered date was before the build date, which obviously can't be true. After speaking to a really helpful guy who has worked at the DVLA for over 40 years it appers that the DVLA wern't too interested in build dates and just put them down as the end of the year. I guess they didn't see historic status coming in the future.
I resolved it by getting confirmation from the TVRCC of the build date and they gave me a certificate to send to the DVLA. This resolved matters very quickly.
As the The TVRCC now have all the records from the TVR factory I don't see how you are going to get confirmation from anywhere else.

Cheers Steve


26,898 posts

274 months

Monday 11th November 2024
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Still have three years to go till mine hits 40... no doubt around the time the guv'mint decides to scrap the concession.

I think that list of dates above has an error: it says cast alloy hub carriers fitted from 5065 - my Tasmin was 5036 and had them. In fact as I recall from Oliver Winerbottom's book, they were alloy from the start but the production castings were initally done by some cowboys and fractured very easily owing to the floor sweepings and dross that was in them. Later they changed to the fabricated steel variety, so I'm not sure about that reference.


26,898 posts

274 months

Monday 11th November 2024
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SEvans said:
Just gone through exactly this on my wedge.... Went for historic status and the first registered date was before the build date, which obviously can't be true. After speaking to a really helpful guy who has worked at the DVLA for over 40 years it appers that the DVLA wern't too interested in build dates and just put them down as the end of the year. I guess they didn't see historic status coming in the future.
I resolved it by getting confirmation from the TVRCC of the build date and they gave me a certificate to send to the DVLA. This resolved matters very quickly.
As the The TVRCC now have all the records from the TVR factory I don't see how you are going to get confirmation from anywhere else.

Cheers Steve
A mate of mine imports DeLoreans and has no end of grief over this as all the factory records were destroyed in a fire allegedly started by some faction or other in Ireland... I think he often has to concede a few months and has Jan 1st (of the next year, despite all the paperwork that comes with the cars) as the build date.