cam and followers 350i year1987

cam and followers 350i year1987



Original Poster:

166 posts

269 months

Thursday 31st October 2002
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ive just been told i might have a problem with the cam and followers as i have had the timing ajusted to 8 btdc, it was at 4 btdc before we changed it , i have new plugs /leads/cap and arm all to try to stop it misfireing when i get to around 4800 rpm
his is on a 350i and can anyone shed some light on this or have had the same problem

is it a kent cam used in the 350i




8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 31st October 2002
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Could be but you never can tell.



Original Poster:

166 posts

269 months

Thursday 31st October 2002
quotequote all
with the timing at 8 btdc the missfire has all most gone but you can hear the followers , do not know what to do,


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Saturday 2nd November 2002
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If the cam has done more than 40,000 miles it is probably past it's best.

You can tell if you have severe wear by removing the rocker covers and checking if all the rockers move a similar amount when you turn the engine over. Cylinder 7 is normally the first to go.



Original Poster:

166 posts

269 months

Saturday 2nd November 2002
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thanks for the tip Danny, 68,000 on the clock so i will have to think seriously about doing it soon, ive been looking a kent cams cos thay are just up the road from me,
do you think i should get a stand cam or could i get away with a cam that would give me a little more bhp and torque with out having to change bits off the engine



danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Sunday 3rd November 2002
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I fitted a different (Piper) cam to my 350i along with double row chain. Apart from that it is standard.

2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Monday 4th November 2002
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tcpc said: with the timing at 8 btdc the missfire has all most gone but you can hear the followers , do not know what to do,


This sounds odd to me. maybe not the followers ? whats the timing @ 4000 rpm should be around 28 degrees. the misfire is probably still electrical,
If its not the distributor You may need to visit a rolling road to access the problem properly.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Monday 4th November 2002
quotequote all
My experience was:

The flapper in the air flow meter started making a banging noise when the throttle was floored at higher revs, and this must have been caused by the varying pressure as a couple of cylinders didn't suck as their valves weren't opening.