How many SEAC owners on PH ?
ME too! - also Bristol. Mine is a 420 NACNUD's is a 450.
"Shayes" in South London has a 420 (although I think he has a 5.2l lump in it??) and has been known to frquent the Site.
Patrick also has one - his is the White one on the front of May's Sprint and is definitely the loudest -mine managed 111db at Castle Coombe last week so I expect his is measured on the Richter scale if Duxford was anything to go by!
"Shayes" in South London has a 420 (although I think he has a 5.2l lump in it??) and has been known to frquent the Site.
Patrick also has one - his is the White one on the front of May's Sprint and is definitely the loudest -mine managed 111db at Castle Coombe last week so I expect his is measured on the Richter scale if Duxford was anything to go by!

OK - So I'm picking up my 450 SEAC on Saturday
and I was wondering : How many SEAC owners on PH ?
I know NACNUD has a 420 - Bristol area !
Any others.
Another question - has anyone found any other uses
for the picnic table mounted on the boot.
Me - I have a 420 SEAC
Which SEAC did you buy?

rev-erend said:Yes - pick it up Saturday.. and yes, it's the one that's been advertsed for ages... I have had my eye on it but it was just up for too much.. I mad the guy a sensible offer ... it was probably still too much but it will be worth it. What tyres are you guys running as it needs a new set .. it currently spins up the rears in 3rd on a dry road.
Good stuff !! hey Sean another "local" SEAC I must get myself one again, BTW has the blue one (Lee hodgkins) advertised in wedgepages been sold to ?.
Nacnud - the looney in the light blue , does
it happen to have a side exit exhaust...
We did chat last year at Le Mans about your car -
I had the same.ish colour light blue griff 500.
I seem to remember you were having a few teething problems. How's the car now.
Tim - I did email Lee about his car but he ignored
it.. so I guess he is either keeping it or sold it...
it happen to have a side exit exhaust...
We did chat last year at Le Mans about your car -
I had the same.ish colour light blue griff 500.
I seem to remember you were having a few teething problems. How's the car now.
Tim - I did email Lee about his car but he ignored
it.. so I guess he is either keeping it or sold it...
rev-erend said: Nacnud - the looney in the light blue , does it happen to have a side exit exhaust...
Errrr - Yes

Notice that in the picture the front wheel is not nice and shiny; that's brake dust that is....
Cheers for asking! All is well apart from discovering that the previous owner appears to have 'detuned' the SEAC engine by replacing the big valve high compression head with a bog standard head. So I've got a hot cam fighting with not enough compression causing rough running and not enough power.
Peninsula have given me a quote for a stage three head and replacement cam (if required) and another quote for a Stage four head and really wild cam!
I've currently got only 205 BHP at the wheels. They reckon that stage 3 will will give me around 270 BHP and stage 4 stands a reasonable chance of putting over 300 genuine no bullshit BHP at the wheels.
A 50% power hike - Hmmm let me think....
Yes Please!
Now I've just got to work out where I can get the funds.
rev-erend said:How do I put a picture up like the ones you did...
Biggest problem is finding somewhere to host the pictures. Mine are on , it's easy for me because I collate the event reports for the Bristol region and the bulk of the images on the site are mine. Other people use Fotango and their alternaitves - see several PH threads on this and related topics.
Once the picture is on the web somewhere it's easy. You can find out the URL by right clicking the picture you want and looking in its properties sheet. Copy the URL and paste it into a PH thread surrounded by pic tags. If you quote one on my picture posts, you can see the URL and picture tags in use.
Hey - dont change the colour it looks great - BRG is the next best thing to gunmetal grey! (mine is the grey one in Nacnuds photo - used to be red and belong to 2-sheds).
I wonder who bought the ex-Peter Wheeler car from David Geralds?? Also when I was at DGs on mania weekend they had a black one tucked away out the back -needed a bit of Tlc and apparently belonged to some chap in Scotland - anyone we know????
I wonder who bought the ex-Peter Wheeler car from David Geralds?? Also when I was at DGs on mania weekend they had a black one tucked away out the back -needed a bit of Tlc and apparently belonged to some chap in Scotland - anyone we know????
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