Tasmin 280i 14" wheel cap size

Tasmin 280i 14" wheel cap size



Original Poster:

18,591 posts

174 months

Monday 23rd September 2024
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I was gifted very genrously with 4 x wheel centre caps as mine are missing, however when attempting to fit them it turned out they were too small by around 5mm, my opening is 65mm on the 14" original BBs lattice alloys and these measured 60mm on the lugs widest point...I thought the 350i for 15" wheels were bigger?...or maybe these are for 15"...I have found an alternative but curious to know ...cheers smile

Possible alternative

Edited by mrzigazaga on Monday 23 September 16:51


26,898 posts

274 months

Tuesday 24th September 2024
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Yeah, there were two different sizes, the 390 has the wider 15" rims with larger caps; I'd guess later 350i's had the wider wheels too but not certain.
One of my caps mysteriously disappeared at a Wedgefest back in the 2000s, it took me about a decade to find a replacement.


Original Poster:

18,591 posts

174 months

Friday 4th October 2024
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Wedg1e said:
Yeah, there were two different sizes, the 390 has the wider 15" rims with larger caps; I'd guess later 350i's had the wider wheels too but not certain.
One of my caps mysteriously disappeared at a Wedgefest back in the 2000s, it took me about a decade to find a replacement.
Thanks Ian...if anyone can confirm the OD of the tabs that go into the rim that would be great...350i & 280i ..my rims seem to be around 75mm opening,so will need 77-78mm? the ones i have are 72mm OD..




26,898 posts

274 months

Sunday 6th October 2024
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The ones from my wheels are marked M-141.

Dimensions as shown, across the narrowest and widest parts...

Edit: hang on, brain fart moment... mine look to be the same size as yours. Are your wheels from a different supplier, I have a feeling there were a couple of sources...? Think mine might be MSW.

Edited by Wedg1e on Sunday 6th October 01:17


Original Poster:

18,591 posts

174 months

Monday 7th October 2024
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Wedg1e said:
mine look to be the same size as yours. Are your wheels from a different supplier, I have a feeling there were a couple of sources...? Think mine might be MSW.
Hi Ian

Not sure to be fair, they are the same as what were on there 12 years ago and will have a look for any identifying marks etc..there were original caps fitted when i sold her back then so not sure what happened to those...i am having a go at printing some as i have created a replica 3D model of the existing one and scaled up so i have the correct tab size OD...fingers crossed...smile
