Braided brake hoses

Braided brake hoses



Original Poster:

250 posts

269 months

Thursday 1st August 2024
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I am looking to replace the braided brake hoses on my 400SE which are at least 26 years old (they were on when I bought the car). My car has the four pot calipers and all the kits I can find (goodridge, HEL, Motoclan) list the same kit for all wedges. Does anyone happen to know if the thread size is the same on the two pot and four pot calipers. In other words, would the wedge kit fit my car?


3,441 posts

134 months

Thursday 1st August 2024
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I know the Granada based 2 pot calipers use a metric M10 thread from memory. As the 4 pot calipers were Princess based, I.e. Leyland, I wouldn't be surprised if they used an imperial thread? Can anyone confirm?


81 posts

15 months

Thursday 1st August 2024
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I just changed all mine on the Chimaera. The hel lines fitted onto my BMW 4 pot calipers no problem. Metric.


26,898 posts

274 months

Friday 2nd August 2024
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I put HEL lines on the 390 in 2019; funily enough I presumed they'd be Imperial threads as well.

The invoice states:
Fitting 1 - M10x1 straight male, fixed
Fitting 2 - M10x1 straight male, bulkhead
Length 45cm
At the time they were 2p short of fifty quid the pair, posted.

However, I would opt for another few centimetres (or inches, if you're old school) because it occurred to me that if you had a lot of suspension compression and a lot of steering lock at the same time (unlikely, perhaps) there's a risk the hose might get nipped by the coil spring.

I've just been out and shone a torch/ waved a mirror and the flexi goes into the top outer port on the caliper, then a CuNiFe pipe links the outer lower port to the inboard side. A different route (or splitting the line using a T-piece) might require a different length.


17,306 posts

192 months

Friday 2nd August 2024
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KKson said:
I know the Granada based 2 pot calipers use a metric M10 thread from memory. As the 4 pot calipers were Princess based, I.e. Leyland, I wouldn't be surprised if they used an imperial thread? Can anyone confirm?
"Princess" calipers are metric, M10 x 1mm

steviegtr said:
I just changed all mine on the Chimaera. The hel lines fitted onto my BMW 4 pot calipers no problem. Metric.
Different car, different calipers whistle


Original Poster:

250 posts

269 months

Friday 2nd August 2024
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Thanks everyone. Looking at various forums of others that also use the Princess 4 pot calipers and your replies, they all seem to agree that they are indeed metric M10 x 1. I must admit I had expected them to be imperial but it does make changing them easier. It looks like the goodridge and HEL wedge ones should fit.