Meta immobiliser on 400se

Meta immobiliser on 400se



Original Poster:

245 posts

159 months

Wednesday 5th June 2024
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Evening all,I have a 400se,that has suddenly lost the flashing red immobiser light and now won’t start 🤣.I had the battery disconnected for a time.There is no fob with my system, and searching around no immobiliser box etc I can find,unless it’s hidden behind the dash 🤣😂.Anybody else had this problem? Any area to check?


66 posts

58 months

Thursday 6th June 2024
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If memory serves, they positioned my immobiliser unit in the free space above the ECU behind the glove box. Drop the flap down and peer up - it might be there.


26,898 posts

274 months

Thursday 6th June 2024
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So you've never had a fob but it has an immobiliser? How did it disarm? There were certain systems in the early 90s (such as Autowatch) that were connected to various switches in the car (e.g. brake lights, foglamp etc. ) so that you would turn the ignition on and then operate said switches in the right sequence which would then drop the immobiliser out.

One of the really cheap dodges we used to do was wire a flashing red LED across a suitable supply so that it flashed when the ignition was off and went out when it was on - made it look like there was an alarm/ immobiliser when there wasn't!

There aren't many robust places on a wedge to hide electronic boxes as you've realised - but most alarm fitters weren't conscientious enough to try all that hard either.