Wedge going 'home'

Wedge going 'home'


Ian V

Original Poster:

1,817 posts

279 months

Tuesday 29th October 2002
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What a busy week! Motorshow on Monday and taking the 400 back to meet its maker tommorrow (Wed). Looking forward to doing the tour of the factory.

Hoping to meet up with TVRCC Blackpool on Wed night for a few , then home on the train Thursday.
Then all again in reverse when the factory have finished with my car.


198 posts

294 months

Tuesday 29th October 2002
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We are looking forward to meeting you at the shovels, if you need a lift, send me a e-mail.


Colin H


856 posts

293 months

Tuesday 29th October 2002
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I take it that this is THE visit to the factory for your Wedge to get her identity back !!!

Good luck, enjoy your trip and most importantly, enjoy your wedge. You deserve it !!



Ian V

Original Poster:

1,817 posts

279 months

Friday 1st November 2002
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Thanks to all you guys at Blackpool TVRCC for making me feel so welcome. It was good to meet you all. I've never seen so many wedges at one club meet before!

Car is now at the factory awaiting its correct identity to be reinstated.

If any of you ever find yourselves in darkest Lincolnshire, drop me a line and you will be most welcome to drop by.

Ian V


198 posts

294 months

Friday 1st November 2002
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Hi Ian,

It was great to have another wedge join us for the night (you know I'm biased), we enjoyed your company and hope all is sorted for you soon.

If anybody else is passing our way, make contact.


Colin H