andymadmak - or anyone - help please !!!

andymadmak - or anyone - help please !!!



Original Poster:

235 posts

269 months

Monday 28th October 2002
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reading a previous thread, I think my 1989 400se has a problem you may have had.
at speeds above 80 mph there is a bad vibration from the back end - particularly when I ease off the throttle.
I've replaced all four UJs,all wheel bearings,suspension bushes/springs/shocks,bearing in one diff output shaft,new diff oil,propsahft balanced,wheels balanced.
You mentioned that the LSD is set up too tight for a TVR which sounds good.
This weekend I put 6 X 50 KG bags of stones in the boot and went for a blast - smooth as silk.
Handling is a bit poor though !!
Can you - or anyone - give me an idea where I can get the diff rebuilt and is it possible to have it set up looser ???
many thanks Andy


8,507 posts

283 months

Monday 28th October 2002
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You haven't got a cracked chassis or diff carrier by any chance?



12,837 posts

269 months

Monday 28th October 2002
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I fractured my diff carrier beam right through on each side of the diff.. The replacement beams from TVR have an additional large stiffening flange. Having done all of the work that you've done in that area though I'd have thought that you might have noticed this problem.


Original Poster:

235 posts

269 months

Monday 28th October 2002
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No, diff carrier and chassis are fine
both cleaned down and painted

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Monday 28th October 2002
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Have you changed the UJs on your propshaft. The front one on mine caused a very strange harshness in the way the car drove, even though it seemed fine when I checked it - and it passed the MOT year after year


Original Poster:

235 posts

269 months

Monday 28th October 2002
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had them both checked at a propshaft specialist
prop checked with a laser for straightness
and then balanced


14,946 posts

281 months

Monday 28th October 2002
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Hi Andy
I couldn't cure mine completely, but in the end the diff was rebuilt by GKN in Brum, It helped, but it's still there.
Check that the wheel bearings are still tight after their replacement, they can bed in a bit.

Hope that helps

Andy 400se