A strange response

A strange response



Original Poster:

166 posts

269 months

Sunday 27th October 2002
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i have owned my 350i for6 weeks and just got it past it's mot, so i can now enjoy taking it out for a spin which i have just done tonight,
i was cruising down the road and opened her up and over took a car with loads off room for both off us and thought that me car sounded nice and then had to stop for some traffic lights a bit further up the road and as i was waiting for them too change the same chap came up behind me and started to flash his light and got on this horn and gave me a unfriendly hand sign,

Is this the sort off reaction you get when some one is half asleep while driving there car as you blust past them




36,010 posts

295 months

Sunday 27th October 2002
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Don't worry about it. It happens on occasions. He was probably looking in the mirror and shaking to himself

2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Sunday 27th October 2002
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He was probably upset because he'd shat himself, and was on his way out to dinner , so had to go back and change. ??? I would be very upset to


Original Poster:

166 posts

269 months

Tuesday 29th October 2002
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thanks for the support, i think the locals will have to get use to it.


ps. set neighbours car alarm off last night it just gets better


6,025 posts

294 months

Tuesday 29th October 2002
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excellent stuff.
When My wedge goes to my parents for the winter, dad usually starts it up on a sunday morning and lets the car warm through, the engine come up to temperature etc.
One morning, he was asked by a passer by to please not revv it so hard as the people in the church opposite my parents house(and in durect line with the exhaust pipe) couldnt hear the sermon.

I call this retrobution for all the years of being woken up after a night on the beer by that infernal Bell ... Now I get my dad to fire up the wedge and wake me up with the sweet screem of a V8 when i go drinking back home.


856 posts

293 months

Tuesday 29th October 2002
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Nice one !! I recon God would have a V8 too !!

And I do !!!! HAHA



36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 30th October 2002
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Mine sets they guy accross the road to death threats. Along the lines of "do that agian and your fckuing dead" OK he has a point, 4:30 am was a tad much but a trip I had to make. Have to be a bit careful because on the whole, if it upsets him then it upsets others.

>> Edited by jmorgan on Wednesday 30th October 00:15