AFM to Plenum

AFM to Plenum



Original Poster:

375 posts

138 months

Saturday 9th December 2023
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Hi gents, I’m looking for the hose that goes between the AFM and the Plenum on my 3.9 rover motor. It’s 3-1/8 on one end and 2-3/4 on the other. Would anyone have a source for one?
Thanks in advance


3,442 posts

134 months

Saturday 9th December 2023
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Hi, ACT Products sell a suitable silicon smooth bore hose, however you will need to adjust the AFM position to allow the hose to fit.


324 posts

280 months

Saturday 9th December 2023
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I need one too, but I have struggled to find a supply. I tried one of the silicone ones but the one I had just wouldn't stay on. The centre line of the airflow meter and plenum intake are not the same and it just wouldn't sit properly. A corrugated tube is needed to allow for engine movement and vibration with different diameters at each end. They certainly didn't make it easy for us!!


4,390 posts

291 months

Saturday 9th December 2023
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I use these on my Taimar turbo (air intake to turbo)...double check it is the right part.


324 posts

280 months

Saturday 9th December 2023
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Do you know how long it is? It looks a bit short for a wedge!


4,390 posts

291 months

Sunday 10th December 2023
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Ah, maybe, although I have it on my 280DH too, but in both cases (Taimar turbo and 280DH) it is shortened here is a PH thread. where you asked the question then answered the question then from you picture went off in a different direction. A@