air flow meter

air flow meter



Original Poster:

166 posts

269 months

Saturday 26th October 2002
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can any one tell me if i can gain any in improverment too my 1987 3.5L wegde if i changed my air flow meter to a non flapper type



p.s if yes what type sound i be looking for

2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Saturday 26th October 2002
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You'll also need to change the ECU, injectors, fuel rail, loom, Etc Etc as the other type of airflow system is hot wire, a totally different type.
You can upgrade to a larger flapper meter & injectors quite cheaply second hand £200-250 all in.


Original Poster:

166 posts

269 months

Saturday 26th October 2002
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thanks for your reply

if i was to do that would i notice any inprovement

2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Saturday 26th October 2002
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Apparently yes, although i have never seen the figures, main benefit is torque, don't expect more than 5-10 ft lb though.