Fuel Pump Nightmare:

Fuel Pump Nightmare:



Original Poster:

42 posts

272 months

Saturday 26th October 2002
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So originally my fuel pump just stopped, I thought it was deceased, however when I ran a live direct to it, it ran fine. I checked all the cables and they are fine as is the fuse and relay. However there is still no power, I have checked the operation of the air meter (it powers the pump after cranking) and it is also fine. I can't see any loose earth wires and the TVR has now been off the road for two weeks with this problem, I am getting slightly desperate !
Also one last thing the red relay (which is not really a relay) what position does it go in the relay box, is it upper 4 ?
Any suggestions welcome.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Saturday 26th October 2002
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Can't offer any specific help, but just some general trouble shooting advice.

Check the obvious, relays, fuses, broken wires in places where they may get damaged. I assume there is some safety cut out system, is it working properly?

Have you got a meter? If so you can use it to trace the fault by various methods, assuming you have traced the power feed wire. Have you got a circuit diagram? if not I can e-mail you a copy of mine (no guarantee it's the same!)



26,901 posts

276 months

Sunday 27th October 2002
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If you can identify the fuel pump relay, and the terminals numbered '30' and '87', linking the two with the ignition on should start the fuel pump.
You don't by any chance have the inertia cutout switch as used on the SD1 do you? Some authorities claim it was never used by TVR, but on this group and others, several folk say their Wedges have the switch installed. It just needs a prod to reset it.
I think the red 'relay' is installed to the top left of my 390s board, but there are variations as Danny says...



26,477 posts

269 months

Sunday 27th October 2002
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I had similar 2 months back after i was messing about with the headlight relays. I had inadvertantly disslodged two connections on the back of the fuel pump relay.