What are doing on your wedge this weekend?

What are doing on your wedge this weekend?



Original Poster:

2,739 posts

209 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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In the spirit of “keeping the band back together” on PH lol

I thought I’d kick off a favourite thread……it’s Friday……what are you planning???

I’ll start

My SEAC runs a 72 or 74 degree thermostat (cannot remember which) and now the cold weather is here I’m considering swapping for an 82 degree one.…anyone done the same and if so what does it help?

With my current low temp stat my coolant is a rock solid 80 degrees always (running emerald) and my oil cooler opens / closes as required…….net net should I bother???


Original Poster:

2,739 posts

209 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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What an idiot…..1st post and it’s got a grammar error in the title banghead


2,239 posts

219 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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I run an 82C thermostat in my SEAC all year round.

I know some run a lower value with the idea that it helps prevent overheating when in traffic (lots about if this actually true of course), but most engines are designed to run with coolant temperatures of something in the region of 90C to 110C. I would therefore be more worried about overcooling/running rich in cold weather with a lower value so would support changing it.


3,441 posts

134 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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Unfortunately no work planned on the SEAC this weekend as I'm under pressure to finish off the tiling and grouting in a new shower room. Might be tempted by a run out Sunday morning with the Worcester car club though.

Big job looming on the SEAC is dashboard out, so I can replace the heater matrix, which failed quite spectacularly earlier in the year in a cloud of steam.


Original Poster:

2,739 posts

209 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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Englishman said:
I run an 82C thermostat in my SEAC all year round.

I know some run a lower value with the idea that it helps prevent overheating when in traffic (lots about if this actually true of course), but most engines are designed to run with coolant temperatures of something in the region of 90C to 110C. I would therefore be more worried about overcooling/running rich in cold weather with a lower value so would support changing it.
For the 30 mins to swap over I’ll give it a go…..you never know it may make the heater warm up vs the mouse fart warmth lol

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

251 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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Some slight fettling for the MoT, check the lights, wipers, washers, adjust handbrake etc.

These days my weekends include Monday as I elected for a 4-day week, and it's great! I can highly recommend.


3,441 posts

134 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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adam quantrill said:
Some slight fettling for the MoT, check the lights, wipers, washers, adjust handbrake etc.

These days my weekends include Monday as I elected for a 4-day week, and it's great! I can highly recommend.
Adam, I've been 4 days a week for 4 years, but since 1st September I've semi retired and down to 2 days a week. You should see my bloody "to do" list, courtesy of the missus.....

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

251 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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So for the "weekend" you get two days off - in the office!


250 posts

269 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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This weekend I am finishing tidying up the wiring on the new coil packs on my 400SE. I also run an Emerald ECU with the 82 degree thermostat. The Emerald switches on the fans at 94 degs. and off at 92 degs. The temperature sits steadily between the two, even in traffic. And the heater is lovely and hot.


1,315 posts

196 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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I've been replacing the dampers on my FHC but obviously you can't put rusty stuff back on the car. Hopefully the wishbones will be dry tomorrow.

I've already done the RHS so should be good for a test drive shortly.

I really should put antifreeze back in it after changing the radiator in the summer.


18,591 posts

174 months

Tuesday 21st November 2023
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Should be getting the ole girl in to the garage so I can remove the dash and roof to get on with the underlay and carpet smile

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

251 months

Wednesday 22nd November 2023
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Oohh you got your garage back?

colin mee

1,198 posts

129 months

Saturday 25th November 2023
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Will you have ut done for the wedge fest mark


6 posts

15 months

Thursday 30th November 2023
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Tuning the Holley Sniper 2....

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

251 months

Saturday 25th January
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Time for my oil change!
Unlike me left it for 6.5k miles, usually I do it every 3k.

V8 camshaft still going strong at 98k!


3,441 posts

134 months

Saturday 25th January
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Might give it a blast tomorrow. I've not been able to drive it for last 4 months, following shoulder surgery. I do want to take the plenum off, ensure injector hoses are tight, and replace offside rocker cover gasket, which is weeping.


324 posts

280 months

Today I have swapped a few wheels around so I have four off the car for refurbishment, and spent the usual six monthly task of taking the leaking joints in the exhaust apart and resealing them. Compression and olive joints are just useless. I would like to fit some flexible sections but I don't think the chassis will allow it!!


397 posts

111 months

Hi, I have thought about flexi-hose, as my original manifold had a small hole. So I purchased one as short as I could find, but the space was not working for me, the manifold did not have enough flat tube to slip over the joint, from memory?
Luckily my car came with a second set on manifolds, so I just swapped it.
I have the same sealing problem come every MOT.
Those original joints are a pain, to a point of the exhaust cup is now becoming weak.