G Valve



Original Poster:

63 months

Sunday 12th November 2023
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Looks like the rear brakes on my newly aquired 280 have not worked in a long time- plenty of pad left
Could there a valve fitted to these cars that apply pressure to fronts and rear’s differently and it has failed.
Any insight much appreciated


3,442 posts

134 months

Sunday 12th November 2023
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Hi, there is a bias valve (ex Ford Granada) that is normally bolted to the bodyshell, just under the brake master cylinder. The valve is about 40mm diameter and 60mm long. I've not heard of them failing though. As the brakes are dual circuit I'm just wondering if there's air in the rears? Have you tried bleeding them? Other issue which is common is internal failure of the flexible, which can collapse and stop the brake fluid flow. Might also be useful to get the rear off the ground with axle stands, run the engine in gear, and see if the brakes are working?


Original Poster:

63 months

Sunday 12th November 2023
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Great information
Bled brakes with no problem
So will ry the braking test
Thank you


397 posts

111 months

Monday 13th November 2023
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If stood for a while, also not uncommon for the plungers to become seized either off if stood or on when used for the first time in a while.

Have a read here bit of info:
