Rover mirrors in 350 pods

Rover mirrors in 350 pods


Toby Noble

Original Poster:

107 posts

277 months

Saturday 26th October 2002
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Can anyone who has replaced their 280 mirrors with the TET 350 pods and had to source the Rover SD1 powered innards or replaced their 350 mirror innards with the Rover part let me know how to identify prior to ordering?

I have new pods from TET and have now found new SD1 power mirrors which a supplier can only order sight unseen. (for Aust$ 240 a pair...) I want to be as sure as possible that I'm ordering the right bits.

Does anyone have the part numbers, know which series of SD1s the correct innards were from or have photos of the innards?

If I'd known it was going to be this hard......

For those that have done the transplant, how hard was it, do I need to source Rover switchgear too or can I grab replacement l/r switches and joystick from any modern car?

Toby Noble


26,901 posts

276 months

Saturday 26th October 2002
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I've never identified which car my mirror innards were from; they're made in France so I rather assumed Peugeot, Renault et al.
I think the rocker switch and joystick are as used by Ford in the Granada; however in Aus I imagine it was called something else: the Ford Barbi, or Ford XXXX, or Ford Murderahiker or similar... ;-p
I found that the wiring configuration and the way the joystick operates (it's probably not how you expect!) is the same as that used by SAAB as well... I wrote an article on the Wedge mirrors for www.tvrwedgepages but haven't noticed if it's on there yet.

Regards Ian


28 posts

277 months

Saturday 26th October 2002
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The pods from TET -are they for the earlier door mounted mirrors or those from later models whrre thsy are positioned in the triangle where the glass meets the door ?

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Saturday 26th October 2002
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The innards of my mirros are of an early Sierra

Toby Noble

Original Poster:

107 posts

277 months

Sunday 27th October 2002
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Mirror pods are the type that fit on the black triangle in the corner of the window.


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Sunday 27th October 2002
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Ignore my Sierra post, I have the earlier type mounted on the door


3,799 posts

290 months

Sunday 27th October 2002
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The motors are definitly ex Rover SD1 (on my 350 anyway) and you could probably find some 2nd hand bits thru the SD1 club a d#mn site cheaper than 240 dollars!


Toby Noble

Original Poster:

107 posts

277 months

Tuesday 29th October 2002
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Mirror sizes look a bit bigger on a SE2 SD1 than the pods will I'm really confused.

Looks like the SD1 mirrors and housings will bolt straight to the corner of the window though. Similar triangle footprint from memory.


1,844 posts

278 months

Tuesday 29th October 2002
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I can also confirm that the motors for the pod type mirrors are from a Rover SD1. I found a Vanden Plas model in a breakers and stripped out both sides as my motors were burnt out. The glass from the Rover is too big and the wrong shpe, i just re-used my original glass. Also, out of interest, i discovered that the window motors and mechanism are slightly modified SD1. One of the arms of the X is slightly shorter for hte TVR. Again by using bits from both i made a cheap window repair.
Good luck,
