280i Front Brakes

280i Front Brakes



Original Poster:

63 months

Friday 13th October 2023
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To my USA colleagues, are there any suppliers of front brake pads/ discs?
Mine has the Girling caliper


1,002 posts

168 months

Saturday 14th October 2023
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it is s standard Ford Capri, Cortina and Granada item
you can seach, for examle UK Ebay for the spare-parts numbers and than seach with those numbers at your US-Suppliers or US-ebay.


3,442 posts

134 months

Saturday 14th October 2023
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The discs are 5 stud Ford Granada mk 2. The Capri and Cortina only had 4 studs. Cheers


17,306 posts

192 months

Saturday 14th October 2023
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The European Ford Granada was a completely different car to the American Granada!

Discs are cheap enough over here but obviously expensive to ship out because they're so heavy!


Original Poster:

63 months

Saturday 14th October 2023
quotequote all
I realize these parts ate available in UK but post is ridiculously expensive
Isnt there a parts supplier in US?