How Much Petrol Needed to Run

How Much Petrol Needed to Run



Original Poster:

63 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Since my new purchase it seems it takes close to 12 litres ( 3 US Gal) for the car to run
Is that correct?
Thanks in advance to all!


1,918 posts

232 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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As long as there is enough fuel in the tank to fill the swirl pot, the lines from there to the engine and back tot the tank, then the car should run.
Or have I mis-understood what you are asking?


Original Poster:

63 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Thank you for your response
It seems that if there is less than about 11 litres or so in the tank nothing comes out of the hose to the fuel filter inlet
Hopefully that is a bet clearer!


1,918 posts

232 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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It is a long time since I had my 350i, let alone took the fuel tanks out.
I do remember being quite surprised how high the tank outlet was compared to the bottom of the tank, so I do not doubt your 11 ltrs.


Original Poster:

63 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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That is good news then!


397 posts

111 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Have a look here search for "fuel". The guy had to have a fair bit in his for it to run right, by all accounts.


369 posts

151 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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I presume this is deliberate design, so the pipe doesn't suck up the rust particles & other debris at the very bottom of the tank. I also presume that the float / sender will be adjusted so that "Empty" on the dial corresponds with the minimum level of the pipe, rather than the bottom of the tank.


324 posts

280 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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frontfloater said:
I presume this is deliberate design, so the pipe doesn't suck up the rust particles & other debris at the very bottom of the tank. I also presume that the float / sender will be adjusted so that "Empty" on the dial corresponds with the minimum level of the pipe, rather than the bottom of the tank.
That is quite an assumption for a TVR!! More likely it was easier to weld on I suspect!!


Original Poster:

63 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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How interesting!
So what is the best way to remove fuel at bottom, since it cant drain from fuel pump inlet hose?


1,918 posts

232 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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When I removed the fuel tanks (because they had rusted through at the top), I removed the fuel at the bottom by turning the tank upside down.....