Boot release relay

Boot release relay



Original Poster:

56 posts

112 months

Wednesday 13th September 2023
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Hi can anyone tell me were I can get about release relay for my 350i. Thanks


3,442 posts

134 months

Wednesday 13th September 2023
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I took my old one out, measured it, and found it was a very common solenoid, and bought one for £5 off ebay.


10,677 posts

234 months

Wednesday 13th September 2023
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Not sure there is a relay, hardly huge power being sent to the solenoid. Unless, in their usula TVRness, they decided the momentary switch couldn't handle the power and implemented an overly complicated solution to a non-existent problem confused

If there is a relay, then it would be a standard 4-pin switching relay available from your local motor spares store. Doubt it needs huge Amap rating.

If you mean the release solenoid, then as above standard two wire solenoid to match mounting points of existing - any retro fit central locking kit item would suit.


Original Poster:

56 posts

112 months

Wednesday 13th September 2023
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On relay and fuse diagram it does show a boot release relay


10,677 posts

234 months

Wednesday 13th September 2023
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10,677 posts

234 months

Wednesday 13th September 2023
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I should add that I fitted a 'bonnet release' cable and pull (Land Rover Item - basically a bowden cable and handle) to the Wedge and S's so that I could release the boot when the battery was duff, or if I didn't want to open the door to use the switch.


79 posts

79 months

Thursday 14th September 2023
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Weirdly I've just changed a couple of my relays which I discovered were getting really hot. I bought these relays for positions not ignition related...

As per comment above, slightly odd why they relayed the boot release and didn't bother putting a relay on the internal heater, might have saved a few switch's if they had...


26,898 posts

274 months

Wednesday 28th February 2024
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On the DHCs there is a way (or two) to open the bootlid even if the car battery is flat... but a bit like Fight Club, we don't talk about it wink

On my car ('87) the boot lock solenoid is fed from the same relay as both windowlifts, but that relay is ignition switched and just supplies the relevant fuses. From the boot fuse the switch feeds the solenoid directly, there isn't another relay. If your windows lift OK, that would suggest any issue isn't related to the relay.
I modified my heater wiring some years ago to include a relay for the high-speed position, the low speed is well within the switch rating.