Spark Plug Wires

Spark Plug Wires



Original Poster:

63 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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What are the correct spark plug wires for the 2.8?


397 posts

111 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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I don't have the 2.8, but the Wedge part numbers in the top section of the main page mention:

Spark Plug Leads - Ford Capri MK3 2.8i Duratec - DIL618 (but depends on what engine is fitted)

For English Fords "Burton Power" I found is a good point of reference, as the catalogue is good.

Be mindful of coil lead length, as the king lead could well need to be longer, depending on the coil location?

Any good parts shop (I may have this wrong O'Reilly) should be able to supply a set, I would have thought?

Edited by BlueWedgy on Friday 1st September 07:45


Original Poster:

63 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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There is no listing for Capri MK3 here in US


397 posts

111 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Yes I appreciate what you say, but you should be able to buy plug leads individually, as I have seen programs where the guy goes in and buys them from a local motor factor.
In fact, the guy goes in with a lead as a pattern and comes out with the replacement?

There must be a car that runs that engine perhaps Mercury Capri Mk2?

Edited by BlueWedgy on Saturday 2nd September 08:26


4,390 posts

291 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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The cap can come in male and female, female cap is Jeep Cherokee 4.2 (it is blue on my car). This will dictate the lead set version. ( I thought that state-side the 2.8 is in the Mercury Capri) A@

Edited by Adrian@ on Friday 1st September 21:59