Anyone fancy a project?

Anyone fancy a project?



Original Poster:

397 posts

111 months


1,315 posts

196 months

Sunday 27th August 2023
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That's been for sale for a considerable length of time. Nobody seems to fancy taking it on. Perhaps if there were chassis photos and the engine wasn't it bits someone would take it on.


2,615 posts

256 months

Sunday 27th August 2023
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It not worth much more than 5k done, and you would spend that sorting it.


1,002 posts

168 months

Monday 28th August 2023
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at least the body is ok as it has no sunroof!! quite rare nowaways....but this does not make this car much more valuable.

jon haines

953 posts

255 months

Saturday 2nd September 2023
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Been for sale most of this year which would make me think it is either overpriced and not attracting any interest or people think it is when they see it.