Fuel Pump to Accumulator Hose

Fuel Pump to Accumulator Hose



Original Poster:

63 months

Friday 25th August 2023
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This has a crack and is leaking
Where might I find another?


397 posts

111 months

Friday 25th August 2023
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Any good local parts supplier should be able to make one.

Just need to know the size of the Banjo fitting and the compression thread at the other end.

Can't really see the hose material, could just be a case of a suitable fuel-resistant hose and fabricate your own?

Crazy prices....


They are contactable for individual requirements. I do know you are not UK based.

Must be others with a search

Edited by BlueWedgy on Friday 25th August 20:31

Edited by BlueWedgy on Friday 25th August 20:33


18,591 posts

174 months

Sunday 27th August 2023
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I think someone found a supplier....let me ask smile
So there is a supplier of the plastic fuel pipe but we need to ask another person if they are able to make them as he has worked with K-jetronic for 40 years and should have the right tools, the banjo's have to be heat pressed.

Edited by mrzigazaga on Sunday 27th August 16:50