Power Steering Rack Question

Power Steering Rack Question



Original Poster:

324 posts

280 months

Tuesday 8th August 2023
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I have a 350i with a Ford Granada Mk2 power steering rack. The hydraulic side of it is fine and doesn't leak. The rack itself seems to have been lubricated with oil and I have this oil in both gaiters. I cannot find anywhere if there should be lubricating oil or grease in the rack (I would prefer grease!), how much, or what type. I think the oil gets to the near side gaiter front the offside gaiter via the breather pipe between the two but I am not sure.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


397 posts

111 months

Tuesday 8th August 2023
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I had oil weeping from my gater mainly drivers side. I changed to an electric pump and it seems to have gone away for now at least.
I assume that the old belt-driven pump was at a much higher pressure and pushing past the seals.

The driving experience is better now as well, as the steering seems to be better weighted.


261 posts

250 months

Thursday 10th August 2023
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The 350i normally has a Ford Cortina Mk4/5 power rack which is what I have on mine. It sounds to me like hydraulic oil has been leaking past the seals and mixing with grease on the rack which then looks like oil when it reaches the gaitors. Sounds like it's time for a re-build.


Original Poster:

324 posts

280 months

Thursday 10th August 2023
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The previous owner put oil in the rack apparently. There is no hydraulic oil leaking anywhere. I was just trying to identify whether the rack should be greased, or oil filled I am swinging towards grease as all Ford racks I can find info on are greased and grease will not leak out of the gaiters! Also, as I have gaiters with the balance pipe hole, I can't see how they could ever be expected to stop oil leaking out with a clamp or tie on!!


1,002 posts

168 months

Saturday 12th August 2023
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so the ower b4 you built-in the problem. gaiters are never filled with oil.

neither these gaiters are really "filled" with a huge amount of grease.

remove the oil, clean everything, fill-in some grease and job done.


Original Poster:

324 posts

280 months

Saturday 12th August 2023
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My plan exactly!😊😊😊