Need an exhaust for my 350i!!

Need an exhaust for my 350i!!



Original Poster:

64 posts

56 months

Thursday 6th July 2023
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Looking at what options I have for my 350i. The silencer needs replacing, ideally the rear section too.

Tim at ACT is trying to see if he can get one made up quicker but I wanted to get it done before the 10 day MOT retest deadline occurs.

It’s the later type with the 2 shorter exit pipes on the far right.

Anyone got a spare or advice on someone that can help?

Thanks In advance !



10,677 posts

234 months

Thursday 6th July 2023
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Buy a ssteel box off ebay with the same dimension 'pipes' and get it modified / the right pipe connectors added by a local fabricator.

Have you tried the usual breakers? Steve Strange, North East Salvage?


3,442 posts

134 months

Thursday 6th July 2023
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I've got a spare system off a 390SE but it's one large exit pipe, so centre box and then big bore all the way though to exit on drivers side.


751 posts

189 months

Friday 7th July 2023
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I don't know where you live but Custom Chrome in Nuneaton made up an exhaust for the 350i I had:


Original Poster:

64 posts

56 months

Friday 7th July 2023
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KKson said:
I've got a spare system off a 390SE but it's one large exit pipe, so centre box and then big bore all the way though to exit on drivers side.
Hi, what you are describing sounds like mine but maybe a different exit?

Could you send me some pictures and a price ?



Original Poster:

64 posts

56 months

Friday 7th July 2023
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simonwedge said:
I don't know where you live but Custom Chrome in Nuneaton made up an exhaust for the 350i I had:
Hi Simon,

I am in Devon but I can get it trailered wherever. I will certainly take note!

Thank you!


Original Poster:

64 posts

56 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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Just to close the thread - Keith kindly sold me his spare exhaust and I’m very happy! He also showed me his SEAC!

He is a Gentleman and a scholar!

Thank you very much!