350i Rear Gearbox Mounting Rubber Dimensions?

350i Rear Gearbox Mounting Rubber Dimensions?



Original Poster:

326 posts

282 months

Thursday 22nd June 2023
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Does anyone know what the rough dimensions of the rear gearbox mounting rubbers for a 350i are, basically diameter, height and thread size. I need to replace mine, but I can't measure the old ones as the have collapsed. I am looking at male/female threaded ones to make life a little easier!



24 posts

94 months

Friday 23rd June 2023
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Try Motaclan (formerly Parts for TVRs) and search part number TVR 035F 069A.


adam quantrill

11,590 posts

253 months

Friday 30th June 2023
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Yeah I found some male/female ones and have one on now.

Much easier to install the box or move it around.

https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/353535224088 but too expensive, keep searching. M8 40 x 30mm.

Edited by adam quantrill on Friday 30th June 11:58