Front lower spring rubber pad

Front lower spring rubber pad



Original Poster:

398 posts

112 months

Friday 2nd June 2023
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Hi all,

As above really, what with the potholes and the rock n roll MOT, between them they have just about destroyed the front spring lower rubbers.
I know this has been covered previously, as I have this as a potential supply source, after a search.

However a bit odd, but the shipping payment is not visible until after the credit card payment details.

Does anyone know of a UK supplier for them?

Many thanks


2,739 posts

210 months

Wednesday 7th June 2023
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I’ve a pair of them from that place on my shelf….new / un used. If you are going to the fest I’ll throw them in the boot


Original Poster:

398 posts

112 months

Wednesday 7th June 2023
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Many thanks for the offer, sadly I will not be attending the Wedge Fest. Not sure the ole Wedge would last a couple of hours in one go. Anyhow I will be in Devon in any case.



Original Poster:

398 posts

112 months

Monday 17th July 2023
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Hello all,

Thanks to Glen, the rubber is now in place, Initially, I have done one side as I ran out of time, the other side is still to do.

However, sadly I must now stop driving the car for the rest of this summer, as I have fractured my hip, so SORN it will become.

I will do the other side when I am better it could be a long time I am told as I am non-weight bearing for 6 weeks, with physio after that.

May be a spring job I reckon (excuse the pun).
