Tasmin 350i driveshaft

Tasmin 350i driveshaft


yellow cento tom

Original Poster:

52 posts

107 months

Friday 2nd June 2023
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Hello chaps I'm looking for a outboard rear driveshaft joint for a 1984 350i the yolk that goes to the hub. Anyone have a spare or know where I can find one? Are they used on anything else ? Having trouble finding any info on them. Many thanks


3,442 posts

134 months

Friday 2nd June 2023
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Unfortunately I think the drive shafts were TVR specials, but no doubt cobbled together from easily sourced bits. Might be worth ringing the likes of DG sportscars in Redditch as they would know.

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

251 months

Monday 5th June 2023
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How badly is it damaged? These outboard ones are pretty rare, special for the Wedge.
Maybe get it fixed?


21,549 posts

293 months

Tuesday 6th June 2023
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Looks like a hard to find part.

It was probably based on a jag part and modified for length. Plenty of specialists can do this.

Is this the part:



270 posts

276 months

Friday 9th June 2023
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Hello, I think you need one of those. As fas as I know the driver shaft is a Jaguar piece with the UJ. The outer part is Granafa MK2 and TVR welded both together.
REgards Hans.