Help need to find a Replacement window switch for SEAC

Help need to find a Replacement window switch for SEAC



Original Poster:

67 posts

155 months

Wednesday 31st May 2023
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Help needed please.

The window switch in my SEAC have broken and I need to find a replacement. Does anyone know what car it was sourced from or where I can get one.

Many thanks for you help on this.


4,390 posts

291 months

Wednesday 31st May 2023
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They are really robust...apart from the hazard switch (there is 3D part available to repair that too...IF the correct product is used in the printer) I have refurbished all mine. He is a link.



1,773 posts

68 months

Wednesday 31st May 2023
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I'm not sure that posting that they are really robust, when the OP's is broken is particularly helpful, or mentioning 3D printing. What is a printer alone going to cost to print a switch of decent quality, that looks like the others in the car? £1k? £4k? £30K?

The switches are from a Triumph TR7/8/Reliant Scimitar/Lotus Elite. Some are ribbed like the OP's and some are smooth, so you need to get the correct one, that matches. You need to wait for them to appear on ebay.

This is the correct fog light switch. You just need to wait for the window switch to come up, or ask the supplier if they have the window switch too, or buy the fog light, strip it, and fix your window switch with the parts. At £28 including delivery, it's a much cheaper than a 3D printer too and will look right!


Original Poster:

67 posts

155 months

Wednesday 31st May 2023
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Thank you so much for your help.

With you direction I have found that the switch was also used in a Lotus Esprit so have ordered one


4,390 posts

291 months

Wednesday 31st May 2023
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Just for info...I used the link to clean mine...a son of a local wedge owner printed the hazard internal FOC, here is a link (I have some spares too). A@


261 posts

250 months

Thursday 1st June 2023
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In case it helps, the fan switch packed-up on mine many years ago. I ended-up prising it apart and cleaning the dirty / corroded contacts. Put it all back together and working fine years later so they are pretty robust as was mentioned.


Original Poster:

67 posts

155 months

Thursday 1st June 2023
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Adrian@ said:
Just for info...I used the link to clean mine...a son of a local wedge owner printed the hazard internal FOC, here is a link (I have some spares too). A@
if you have a spare window switch and its available for sale, please can you message me through the forum, thanks.