Earth Fault:

Earth Fault:



Original Poster:

42 posts

272 months

Thursday 24th October 2002
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My fuel pump has stopped ! However it runs happily when I run a cable direct from the battery.
The fuse is fine as is the relay, the fuel gauge has also failed. Is there a common earth for the gauge/pump ? Has anyone else had the same fault ?
Thanks for any insights


26,901 posts

276 months

Thursday 24th October 2002
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Think you need to clarify whether you ran an earth lead or a power feed direct from the battery. The fuse wouldn't make any difference if it was an earth fault.
The loom runs down the centre console, across behind the driver's seat and exits through a hole to the wheelarch area. From there it would feed the tank sender (inboard face of the r/h tank) and the fuel pump. If neither of them is earthed direct to the chassis (from memory this is the case), you'd need an earth lead in the loom; if this broke/ corroded you would lose both as you describe. You should be able to identify the wire and replace a length of it. I'd join it inside the cabin so you don't have a soldered connection under the car.
