Wedgeless !!!

Wedgeless !!!



Original Poster:

6,025 posts

292 months

Saturday 29th April 2023
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Well Folks, she has finally gone to a new home. After being in my custody for the last 25 years, J400 SEE went to a new home today. So if anyone is out and about in the Bath area, look out for a Mica Blue Metallic 400SE, and give the new owner a wave

<drops mic>


434 posts

99 months

Saturday 29th April 2023
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JVaughan said:
Well Folks, she has finally gone to a new home. After being in my custody for the last 25 years, J400 SEE went to a new home today. So if anyone is out and about in the Bath area, look out for a Mica Blue Metallic 400SE, and give the new owner a wave

<drops mic>
Lives & priorities change, main thing is that you enjoyed it & have the happy memories that go with it. You get money for a new project etc, new owner gets the chance to experience a wedge, win-win!


8,407 posts

247 months

Sunday 30th April 2023
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Someone has had a great car there. &#128077;
Staggered it took so long....
Good luck. &#128077;


21,549 posts

293 months

Monday 1st May 2023
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Must have been a sad day Jason.

Hopefully you have plans for something else that is fun to replace it.


26,249 posts

267 months

Sunday 7th May 2023
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You'll get over it eventually Jason..............actually you wont cry


10,677 posts

234 months

Sunday 7th May 2023
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Thatg did take long! Loverly car, new owner should have plenty of smiles per miles.