Steering Rack Pinion Seal

Steering Rack Pinion Seal



Original Poster:

324 posts

280 months

Wednesday 26th April 2023
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My 1988 350i has started leaking oil from the pinion seal on the steering rack. That is the one which the steering column attaches to. I believe my steering rack is PAS Ford Granada? Can anyone confirm this and aim me in the direction of a supplier for a new seal?


397 posts

111 months

Wednesday 26th April 2023
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I could be way off the mark on this, I thought PS to be Cortina.
I didn't get any further than this:

Might be a starting point?


79 posts

79 months

Wednesday 26th April 2023
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There's quite a bit of info on PH's about Wedge steering racks, just jealous that you have Power Steering...

Might be of use:


261 posts

250 months

Thursday 27th April 2023
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My 88 350i with PAS has a Cortina Mk4/5 rack. It was playing-up about 10 years ago and it was about half the price to buy a good re-furbished unit off ebay rather than have it sent off to specialist. I don't think they are as easy to come by now but the rack fitted straight on and is still doing fine.


Original Poster:

324 posts

280 months

Thursday 27th April 2023
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Found the seal, part number 028H 185A from Motaclan so I have ordered it (I had the last one!). I am hoping I can replace it in situ. Trickiest part will probably be getting the steering column UJ off and out of the way!! There is just room to lever the old one out and press the new one in provided there is a lot of coffee available!!


397 posts

111 months

Friday 28th April 2023
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Have you checked the pinion housing type - aluminum or cast iron? not sure if there is a difference in seals between the 2.
However good luck, let us know how many Haynes spanners it is when you get around to replacing it.


Original Poster:

324 posts

280 months

Friday 28th April 2023
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So Motaclan have just messaged to say that they don't actually have the seal in stock and cannot find a supplier so have cancelled my order! So I am back to square one!

There seem to be plenty of refurbished racks for sale so I assume the seal can be bought from somewhere but I still cannot find where.

It is a Ford Granada Mk2 power steering rack so I am now trying to find Ford classic suppliers!


3,201 posts

104 months

Friday 28th April 2023
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If you can read any numbers on the old seal, or measure it accurately, try a bearing and seal specialist such as BRT Bearings.


261 posts

250 months

Friday 28th April 2023
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It is a Ford Granada Mk2 power steering rack]

Please be careful as I believe the Granada one is longer and too big. It should be the Cortina one you need (mine has Granada front brakes but the suspension and rack are Cortina which I think is what all the series 2 350is are).


397 posts

111 months

Friday 28th April 2023
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Motaclan also do this,
Which looks the same or similar to the link that I supplied.
As suggested above, you could try and ask either supplier to look at the kit and see if there are any markings on the seal to suggest a supply source?
Seems a shame to buy a whole kit for one seal.