450SE Oil

450SE Oil



Original Poster:

58 posts

86 months

Friday 21st April 2023
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I've been using Mobil One oil since the car was new, but am wondering if there is any other oil that is now recommended by the forum members.



17,306 posts

192 months

Friday 21st April 2023
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Was Mobil 1 available back when it was new, what grade are you using?

If it's been okay for this many years I wouldn't be changing wink

VR1 is a popular choice for that old Rover V8 but it's a mineral oil whereas you've obviously been using a synthetic all these years.



Original Poster:

58 posts

86 months

Friday 21st April 2023
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Mobil One was around then. The owners manual recommends a synthetic oil. I used the same oil as fitted by Team Central when it got its first service. I'll check it out today as I did not know they did different grades now. Mine is 15W50. Thanks for the info.



9,959 posts

242 months

Friday 21st April 2023
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I'd stick to the 15/50 if you have had zero issues with it.
I've never really rated Mobil 1 oils for some reason though but can't explain why.


2,239 posts

219 months

Friday 21st April 2023
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I ran my 450SE on Mobil 1 oil (as recommended by the factory and dealers at the time) from new for 6 years without any issues, so I say stick with it too.


Original Poster:

58 posts

86 months

Saturday 22nd April 2023
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Thanks for all your replies.

I will stick with the original, Mobil One