Plunger in engine bay

Plunger in engine bay



Original Poster:

58 posts

86 months

Thursday 13th April 2023
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I'm guessing most people know what this box, with plunger is for. I have no idea, my only thought is it turns the fuel off in an accident or may even be part of the alarm system. Any ideas?



17,306 posts

192 months

Thursday 13th April 2023
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Yes. It's an inertia switch to cut off fuel pump


Original Poster:

58 posts

86 months

Friday 14th April 2023
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Thanks Phillpot.

I'd nice to know what things do even it I hopefully never need it



3,442 posts

134 months

Friday 14th April 2023
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Interesting. I'm on to my third V8 Wedge and none of the cars have had the inertia switch, but all three had a pair of spade connectors sat next to bulk head, with nothing to connect to. Is the inertia switch only installed on the later hot wire engines? I very much like the idea of an inertia switch, just in case... My old TR6 had one, but occasionally if I hit a big old pot hole it would trip.

Edited by KKson on Friday 14th April 10:59


Original Poster:

58 posts

86 months

Friday 14th April 2023
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Hi KKson

The car is a 450SE built over June & July 1991. I could have been the last one built. The car is original except an aluminium radiator has been fitted.

I watched it being built at Blackpool over six weekends I visited so know its full history.



2,739 posts

209 months

Friday 14th April 2023
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lesR said:
Hi KKson

The car is a 450SE built over June & July 1991. I could have been the last one built. The car is original except an aluminium radiator has been fitted.

I watched it being built at Blackpool over six weekends I visited so know its full history.

Impressive it took 22 years to ask what it was then wink


Original Poster:

58 posts

86 months

Friday 14th April 2023
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It's older than you think, 32 years young smile

I just kept cleaning the thing but now its getting older I thought I had better find out what it does coffee

Even more success, not only have I learnt how to post an image but also where the smilies are beer
