Knocking Noise from gearlever

Knocking Noise from gearlever



Original Poster:

324 posts

280 months

Saturday 11th February 2023
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I have just been out for a blast in my 350i and in the way home I suddenly found it tricky to change gear and when I am in 4th, putting pressure backwards on the gear lever produced a fast hammering noise. Without looking I am guessing something has come adrift and is hitting the propshaft which is directly below. All the gears are there but the gear lever does seem to feel a little less positive.

Anyone had anything similar?

I will get the car in the air tomorrow and have a proper look.


377 posts

269 months

Saturday 11th February 2023
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It will be the remote linkage rubber bushes which have disintegrated. Change to poly. Easy fix and common problem


3,442 posts

134 months

Sunday 12th February 2023
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Agreed. Remote bushes turned to jelly, allowing gearbox remote to sag and sit on the prop shaft flange. it's a fiddle but takes about 30 minutes to change from underneath.


Original Poster:

324 posts

280 months

Sunday 12th February 2023
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That would be it then! The car hasn't been used since 2009. I have just spent 6 months curing all ill's and yesterday was the first proper test drive. I suspect heat, oil and time had perished the bushes and they just gave up! Hopefully new poly bushes should tighten up the gearchange a bit.


1,280 posts

194 months

Monday 20th February 2023
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Yes agreed it the bushes, I had this happen last september I day it was fine the next time out,Unable to get 3rd and 4 th without a lot of effort.
The gear leaver had fallen down a bit but I gad not noticed that.
Easy fix I was told, After it was fixed, Gear change much better, it had been gettig harder to change gear over time, but I had not noticed until it failed totally.

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

251 months

Monday 20th February 2023
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As a quick bodge you can tie-wrap the remote linkage up to the chassis while you find some new bushes.

jon haines

953 posts

255 months

Monday 20th February 2023
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Yes you can't beat good old cable ties!! Defo the remote bushes though.