350i Idle Air Valve & Location

350i Idle Air Valve & Location



Original Poster:

89 posts

64 months

Wednesday 1st February 2023
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Hi everybody!

Quick question - does the 350i V8 (SD1 Single Plenum version) have an Idle Air Control valve? Is this the same thing as an EAV?

Mine is hunting when cold and cutting out at idle when warm, and the idle's already quite high. I've seen that the IAC on the non-SD1 V8 can cause this when it's a bit gunged up and they are easy to replace, but the SD1 V8 in my 350i doesn't have an IAC valve in the same location (top & back of the plenum chamber).

If it does have an IAC... where is it?

Thank you,



10,677 posts

234 months

Wednesday 1st February 2023
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If you haven't already aquired the Haynes manual then I would suggest you do.

This is a useful online resource - http://www.vintagemodelairplane.com/


79 posts

79 months

Wednesday 1st February 2023
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I don't think there is a idle air valve, there is the EAV which adds extra air when engine cold, an over-run valve on the back of the plenum and a fine mixture adjustment on the AFM via the Hex screw.
When I had a hunting problem it turned out to be timing too advanced although probably weak/rich mixture may also cause issues I guess - good luck with the fault finding.

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

251 months

Monday 6th February 2023
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There is a throttle stop screw, near the throttle butterfly.

It's a little grub screw, if you unscrew it a couple of turns you'll raise the revs a few hundred RPM.