MX5 Seats in a 350i Wedge

MX5 Seats in a 350i Wedge



Original Poster:

324 posts

281 months

Saturday 28th January 2023
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Will Mazda MX5 seats fit in a 350i?


397 posts

112 months


Original Poster:

324 posts

281 months

Sunday 29th January 2023
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More questions.... I have found a pair of very nice MX-5 Mk4 seats but I am wondering if they might be too wide as cars seem to grow in size as the years pass! I have asked the owner to measure the overall width to give me an idea. Anyone tried them before? All the posts I can find seem to refer to earlier MX-5 seats.


1,775 posts

140 months

Sunday 29th January 2023
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I have the tombstone mx5 seats in my Chimaera they fit fine but are quite tall. I remember reading of someone fitting the later mx5 seats and having the top of the headrest trimmed down. I don't know how high the 350 is compared to a Chimaera but check the hight as well as the width.


1,775 posts

140 months

Sunday 29th January 2023
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Just had a look and it was an S3 they put them in thread here


18,591 posts

175 months

Tuesday 31st January 2023
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I know some have used MX5 seats but not entirely sure what model MX5...some of them have seperate cradles to mount the seats but if the bolt pattern is the same then there is just a matter of the overall height....any pics?


1,223 posts

270 months

Wednesday 1st February 2023
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I started to comment but wondered about the newer MX-5 sizing. I have a post on here somewhere, but my 199x MX-5 seats had lost their foam (I think) and I swapped back. Grady


1,775 posts

140 months

Wednesday 1st February 2023
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mrzigazaga said:
I know some have used MX5 seats but not entirely sure what model MX5...some of them have seperate cradles to mount the seats but if the bolt pattern is the same then there is just a matter of the overall height....any pics?
Mine are from a MX5 NB2 model which many call a mk2.5 I understand prior to the facelift NB/mk2 models have a separate headrest like the TVR ones. Facelift models where from ~ 2002-2005

A mate cut down the Mazda runners and welded on new bolts at 330mm apart and front to back. These fitted perfectly on the passenger seat which is what we'd taken measurements from unfortunately the drivers seat the front to back distance was much less than this and so last minute adjustments where made before fitting.

These are mine fitted. You can see they're close to the roof.