car wont fire

car wont fire


jon haines

Original Poster:

953 posts

255 months

Tuesday 17th January 2023
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So a week ago i came to start the car, turned over but no sign of firing into life. Checked that there was a spark from coil to distributor and checked fuel and ok. Took all the leads off put them back on and it fired and i took it for a run and all was ok. This morning though it will not fire again, so i have an intermediate problem. Any ideas?


3,442 posts

134 months

Tuesday 17th January 2023
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Knackered carbon contact in the dissy cap? Get a set of these. At least they give you a very vlear indication if it's an ignition issue.

Edited by KKson on Tuesday 17th January 18:43


133 posts

151 months

Tuesday 17th January 2023
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Which engine ?
2.8 cologne V6 injection?
if so i run one and may be able to help with diagnosis

jon haines

Original Poster:

953 posts

255 months

Tuesday 17th January 2023
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Its a 350i V8. i will get some of those testers thanks.


6,729 posts

277 months

Tuesday 17th January 2023
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My vote would also be to check the distributor cap. These freezing overnight conditions cause a lot of condensation during the day & could lead to damp inside it and it may also have a hairline crack in it.


261 posts

250 months

Wednesday 18th January 2023
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I had a similar issue with my 350i in the previous cold snap after I hadn't used it for a ages. I had to put my foot hard down on the accelerator to get it to fire and I think it was due to the AFM sticking so the fuel pump wasn't working. After it eventually started it's been ok. So I must use it more!

jon haines

Original Poster:

953 posts

255 months

Wednesday 18th January 2023
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Cheers guys for the help. I will check dizzy cap and the the AFM is a good shout also.


18,591 posts

174 months

Tuesday 31st January 2023
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Lack of use some have said in regards to the dizzy, they were known for ingressing moisture so a monthly wipe with a clean cloth wouldn't
If I ever left the 350i for a length of 2 weeks or more then on a run she would cough and sometimes feel like the timing was retarded, as in putting your foot down but a decrease in power, I would pull over, turn off, turn back on, drive away and be okay for a whole need love.


1,223 posts

269 months

Wednesday 1st February 2023
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KKson said:
Knackered carbon contact in the dissy cap? Get a set of these. At least they give you a very vlear indication if it's an ignition issue.

Edited by KKson on Tuesday 17th January 18:43
Hope no one is in a hurry for there... eBay says mine were ordered on the 18th and shipped today.

jon haines

Original Poster:

953 posts

255 months

Saturday 11th February 2023
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So finally solved the problem. The lead from the coil to the distributor is intermittently breaking, so i check it and there is spark then in a different position there is no spark. Very frustrating but glad i have solved it and its a cheap fix.
Now it needs using as i only did 500 miles in it last year.


261 posts

250 months

Monday 13th February 2023
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Think I've solved my issue too. Still needed foot to the floor to start but it had good run up the M40 on Saturday, really strong power and felt great, until I got off the motorway and went round a country lane. Started misfiring and on the way back the next day too. Was strong up the cutting near High Wycombe then the odd misfire round the twistier parts of the motorway.

it was only when I got back close to home that I felt brave enough to give it some and then I realised it was only misfiring round right hand bends. Thinking of fuel starvation I checked the filter in the fuel pump but that was fine. So I checked the HT king lead connection to the coil and when I pulled it off one of the wires on the side of the coil came out of it's crimp. It was a black and white one which might be to do with power to the coil. Re-crimped it and took it for a short drive and all seems well. Will have to give it a better test next weekend.