400SE speedometer cable

400SE speedometer cable



Original Poster:

274 posts

266 months

Monday 5th December 2022
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I need a replacement speedometer cable for my 1989 400SE.
Possibly Speedograph Richfield or Speedy Cables to supply.
I recall old e-mails about one giving prompt service and one being very slow.

I would appreciate any recent experience owners have had with either of the above or suggestions for an alternative supplier.

Best regards


Original Poster:

274 posts

266 months

Tuesday 7th February 2023
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After reading good reviews on the internet I sent my broken cable to Speedograph Richfield.
It was mailed to them on Friday 27 January, received by them on the following Monday, price quoted on Tuesday.
New cable received (plus return of old cable) Saturday (5 Feb) - ie 9 days timescale including transit time..
New cable fitted yesterday and now speedo back to full working order.


1,307 posts

240 months

Tuesday 7th February 2023
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Excellent result, thanks for sharing thumbup